Let’s throw the rice and move on…
At one time, Americans forbid miscegenation and criminalized interracial marriage. For some, it was said to be contrary to God’s laws; it was even likened to bestiality, called repugnant, depraved and...
View ArticleA history lesson for Linda Harvey and the ‘religious Reichwing’
Hey Linda: You’ve been spouting off at the mouth a lot of utter nonsense about how dangerous it is to allow gays in the military. ... Linda, some of the most powerful, victorious, and abundantly brave...
View ArticleThe first to mention Hitler shouldn’t always lose…
The vilification of gays is not new -- but what is now new here in America is how it is being medicalized in public discussions about public health and safety. Not only are we hearing vitriol about how...
View ArticleWhat the Bible says — and doesn’t say — about marriage
There’s a lot of talk about the biblical definition of marriage and the family; however, I can’t find where those terms are explained anywhere in the bible. Nonetheless, a careful reading of the Good...
View ArticleLGBT Rights: What have we learned from history?
Historically, discussions about the decline of morality have almost always been subsumed into fears about national security, and the rise of McCarthyism was no different. Senator Joseph McCarthy...
View ArticleSelf-loathing and lemmings: how voting Republican is just ‘nucking futz’
I know this: women and gays who vote Republican are nucking futz to vote Republican; there's something not quite right about their thinking… they are just as crazy as a Jew defending Nazis, a nation...
View ArticleLove is just as biblical as hate
Never forget that the bible was used to justify the Crusades, the Inquisition, and burn heretics. It has been misused to persecute Jews, support Hitler, and fuel the Holocaust. In American history, the...
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